Nice set of intervals

I woke up this morning feeling as though I didn’t sleep so well. I did toss and turn a lot, but heck the legs felt great and the planned workout didn’t seem so difficult. It was 4x1000m at T pace (7:02 min/mile or 4:22) with 1 minute waling rests+ 2x1000m at I pace (6:21 min/mile or 3:57) with 3 minute recovery jogs + 4×200, at R pace (6:00 min/mile or 45 sec) with 200 m recovery jogs. Here’s how it went:

1000 m in 4:10
1000 m in 4:07
1000 m in 4:04
1000 m in 4:14

1000 m in 3:51
1000 m in 3:46

200 m in 39 s
200 m in 45 s
200 m in 43 s
200 m in 44 s

The total workout was 7 miles in 53:21. When I finished, I hit the stop button on my Garmin and started walking right in front of a house. The lady sitting on the porch yelled out to me, “You can do it!” I laughed. “I just did!” I replied. I think she thought I was just stopping because I was tired. It was a great set of intervals and a good confidence booster just a few days before the race.

After work, I picked up Alice and we had a pretty good 3 mile run. The first mile was spent discussing how track events would be different if they were run on the moon. The second mile was spent at 7:00 min/mile pace (she was in the lead). I asked her if she was going for a PR. She started to cry (still running 7:00 min/mile, mind you) and said “I want to slow down, but I can’t”. I was getting out of breath and replied “You mean like you’re on crack or something”. She kind of did a half laugh, half cry type of thing. Eventually, she calmed herself down and slowed her pace, finishing the run well. For about a half mile there, I looked like the worst father in the world. She was running along crying making me look like I was pushing her too hard. In truth, I was still sore from my morning speedwork and struggling just a bit to keep up with her.

I’ll be spending tomorrow morning in a warm bath. That’s my planned workout.


  1. Alice is going to be a good runner. Pretty soon you’re going to have to schedule those runs as speed workouts. 😉

  2. too funny about the run with alice. hope the tears were just random!

    nice job on the intervals, but how could you let yourself be seen walking? 🙂

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