Checking In

Well, at over 2 months, this is possibly my longest blogging drought since the very beginnings of this blog. It’s not like I’ve been idle, though. I’ve had more than enough posting action over at On the running front, I’ve been holding my own – averaging about 20-25 miles per week. It seems like the more coaching I’ve been doing, the the less I’ve been running myself. That needs to change, though since I’ve registered for the Disney Wine & Dine half marathon in October. I’m also seriously contemplating running the Goofy race and a half Challenge in Janury (that’s the Walt Disney World half marathon on Saturday and the Walt Disney World marathon on Sunday).

So, here’s the update:

Coaching: Going pretty well. The season is winding down with the Middle School State Championship this Saturday. Alice will be running the 1500 and 3000 along with her 6th grade counterpart, Olivia. John, an 8th grade boy will be running the 1500 as well. Alice and Olivia made it as far as the high school regionals. Olivia nearly broke the school record in the mile, running a 5:37 at the regional championships. Alice got her time down to 5:52. John missed advancing out of the district by 1/100th of a second, running a 4:56 mile at the district championships. They all have bright futures ahead of them.

On the adult front, I’m coaching Richie for the NYC marathon. He’s trying to break 3 hours (again). I think he’ll do it this year. He’s in really good shape. I’ve been giving him some pretty challenging speed workouts and limiting his racing. If he follows the training plan I’m giving him and stays uninjured, he’ll probably go under 2:55.  He’s running the Bay to Breakers in a couple of weeks. That’ll be a good test of his fitness.

Digital Running Club: Things are going well. People seem to like the articles and we’re up over 450 Facebook Fans. We’ve announced our first team experiences: The Disney Wine & Dine Half marathon in October and the Walt Disney World marathon weekend in January. The response of people signing up for the teams has been nice and I’m having fun putting together training plans for all these people. I can’t wait to meet them in person at the races!

We’ll be officially announcing our November Tennessee Ragnar Relay team in the next few weeks and we plan on doing 5 Ragnar Relays in 2012 – del Sol, Napa Valley, NW Passage, Great River and Tennessee.

So, that’s what I’ve been up to. What are you all doing?


  1. I was wondering if you were going to pop in here again… Congrats to your young runners, and glad DRC is off to a strong start! Ill take my 50% anytime… haha. That one meeting I was soo influential in…

  2. jesus, its about time you came back. 😉

    congrats on the great job of coachin and the digital running club! can I be on your ragnar relay team for NW passage pretty please? I promise ill try to get faster by then!!!!!!

  3. I will be in disney the week before wine and dine. if it wasn’t at 10 pm I would so run it! I am planning to do princess in 2012 and Goofy in 2013!

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