
Since my last encounter with a neighborhood dog about two months ago, I’ve been taking a slightly modified route to avoid “Abbey”, the dog who chased me that day.  This new route takes me through an alley and past three particularly mean dogs who make a point to growl,  bark loudly and do everything possible… Continue reading Prey

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The pyramid

This week’s edition of speedwork Tuesday featured a Jack Daniels pyramid.  Unfortunately, that’s not a signature set of cocktails developed by flair bartenders in Vegas.  It refers to intervals of increasing distance that reach a peak, then decrease back down to the original distance.  On the menu for today: 4 x 200 m in 45… Continue reading The pyramid

Categorized as Training

Aaaaaand another one down

The weeks seem to be flying by and it’s hard to believe we’re less than 9 weeks away from the Miami to Key West Ragnar Relay.  That leaves me about 16 weeks away from the Gasparilla half marathon.  This week went pretty well, though the speed sessions have been giving me some aches in my… Continue reading Aaaaaand another one down

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Two speed workouts

On Tuesday I wasn’t feeling great in the morning, but convinced myself to head to the park for a planned speed session of 8 x 400 m intervals in 1:30 with 400 m jogging recoveries.  After a warmup lap and some stretching, I still wasn’t really feeling it, but I got into the groove after… Continue reading Two speed workouts

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Another Week in the Books

The first “quality” week of training for the Gasparilla half marathon is in the books and it went pretty well.  I was tired on the days I figured I’d be tired and I skipped one workout, but still managed 41 miles total.  Here’s how it went: Monday: 6 miles easy Tuesday: 1 mile warmup +… Continue reading Another Week in the Books

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The First Speed Session

As predicted, the enthusiasm I had last night for my upcoming speed session faded dramatically overnight and I woke none too excited about heading to the park for some fast laps around the lake.  I still managed to drag myself there and started to feel better about the prospect after an 8:30 warmup mile.  I… Continue reading The First Speed Session

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The Mega Recovery Week

I planned last week as a recovery week and I got a little bit more than I bargained for.  I slept horribly on Sunday and Monday nights, so I woke up on Monday and Tuesday mornings feeling like absolute poo.  Thus, Monday and Tuesday became off days.  I felt pretty “pooish” on Wednesday morning too,… Continue reading The Mega Recovery Week

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The Weekly Recap

Thanks to everyone for the notes about the beginner’s guide. If anyone is interested, I’d like to run it by a few people for feedback before it’s published. Just let me know! On the running front, it was another solid week. I hit 41 miles again. My easy 4 miles on Thursday were pretty crappy… Continue reading The Weekly Recap

Categorized as Training