4 miles in the middle

When I woke this morning, the thought of grinding out 4 miles on the treadmill was unappealing.  It was cloudy and there was a nice breeze outside, so I decided to take run to the park.

Planned workout

8 minutes warmup

4 miles at 9:15 pace

5 minutes cool down

Actual Workout

8 minutes warmup

4 miles at 9:12 pace

8 minutes cooldown

It was cool and breezy when I started to run.  My goal was to run the first mile at about 9:30 or 9:45 pace, but everytime I glanced down at my Garmin, it seemed like I was running at 8:30 or 7:30 pace.  I kept slowing myself down, which is better for morale than telling myself I need to speed up I guess.  I completed the first mile in almost exactly 9:15.  That was when I reached the park.  Running around the lake, there were fewer interuptions for traffic, so I was able to quicken my pace.  I started to get tired during the third mile and took a 1 minute walk break when I passed the 3 mile mark.  The final mile went pretty smoothly, but with a quarter mile left, I developed a pretty painful stitch.  Knowing that I was so close to finishing with my goal pace,I gutted it out despite the pain.  I knew the stitch wouldn’t result in any lasting injuries, so it wasn’t too big of a deal. 

Tomorrow, it’s another 3 miler.

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